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A program of TakingITGlobal


GYAN's purpose is to leverage the collective power of young people to change the world. We provide a clearinghouse of information, resources and opportunities for making a difference. Through our partnership with TakingITGlobal, GYAN offers its members a vibrant on-line community with web-based project management tools and the opportunity for greater visibility.

The Network represents a growing alliance of youth-led and youth-serving organizations in more than 190 countries, working together to improve our world. Membership is open on different levels to any organization that supports young people and which does not advocate hatred or violence in any form. More than 1,200 organizations have applied for GYAN to date and we are currently finalizing a revised membership structure. Stay tuned for more updates.

Become a member! We invite your organization to join the Global Youth Action Network!


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Members Listing (Select the first letter of the organization name above or use the search field)
G200 Association, Switzerland
galaxy united youth group, Kenya
Gandhi Research Foundation, India
GARUDA Youth Community, Indonesia
Gathanga Youth Awareness Group, Kenya
Gay African Youth Networking Center, United States
Gaza group 400, Palestine
GEA 'Planetary Culture' of the National University of Colombia, Colombia
Gender Advocates and Youth Empowerment Agency, Ghana
General Action Against the Violation Of Human and Children's Rights, Nigeria
Génération Congo Afrique 2015, Congo (Republic)
Generosity International Lifecare Development Coalition (Gildeco), Uganda
Genesis II Musuem of International Black Culture, United States
GenevaProject, Guyana
GenSan Teen Group, Philippines
Gente Diversa de Baja California, Mexico
GEO Juvenil Ecuador, Ecuador
Geo-Environmental Resource Association (GERAS), Cameroon
German-Japanese Youth Society, Germany
Ghana International Voluntary Services (GIVS-GHANA), Ghana
GIC Issue Sud, Cameroon
Girl Child Network, Zimbabwe
Girls Education Mission International, Nigeria
Girls Empowerment Network, Malawi
Girls for Gender Equity, United States
Girls Power Initiative Alumnae Association (GAA), Nigeria
Girls' Power Initaitive (GPI), Nigeria
Give A Hand Association, Poland
Global Action Volunteers-INC., Sierra Leone
Global Aid and Development Foundation (GADEF), Ghana
Global Alliance for Development Foundation, Ghana
Global Association of West African Youths (gloWAY)/Association Mondiale de la je, Nigeria
Global Awareness in Action, United States
Global Care Foundation International, Ghana
Global Community Peace Network initiative, Nigeria
Global Defence For Disabled Children And Youths, Sierra Leone
Global Development Corps, South Africa
Global Education Centre, New Zealand
Global Education Foundation, United Kingdom
Global Education Network, Nigeria
Global Endowment, Cameroon
Global Heath Foundation (GHW Foundation), Cameroon
Global Hip Hop Association, United States
Global Information Village (GIV), Bangladesh
Global Kneology Ogranisation Nigeria(GKON), Nigeria
Global Network for Good Governance/Youths, Cameroon
Global Productions International, Nigeria
Global Response, United States
Global School Missions, Zambia
Global Service Development (GSD), Benin
Global Welfare Association - GLOWA, Cameroon
Global Youth & Positive Empowerment Initiators, Nigeria
Global Youth Action Network, United States
Global Youth Changers Network, Nigeria
Global Youth Coalition on HIV/AIDS (GYCA), United States
Global Youth Futures, Australia
Global Youth in Action , United States
Global Youth Leadership Initiative, Nigeria
Global Youth Network for Empowerment and Development, Sierra Leone
Global Youth Plan Against Malaria, Hiv/aids, Nigeria
Global Youth Society, Ghana
Global youth Trends, Nigeria
Global-Cultural Solution, Ghana
GNRC Youth, Kenya
Go Green Foundation, Gambia
Golden Minds Centre, Nigeria
Goldminds Initiative, Nigeria
Good Image International, Nigeria
Good Link Foundation, Cameroon
Goriber Asroy, Bangladesh
Grace Welfare Society, Pakistan
Graduate Council, India
Grassfield Youth Action Network, Sierra Leone
Grassroots Empowerment Initiative (GEMINI), Kenya
Great Dawn Organisation, Nigeria
Greatlake Interuniversity and Youth Forum , Congo (Democratic Republic)
GreatNation, United States
Green Earth, Georgia
Green Graduates, Nepal
Green Hill Women Group-Community Based Organization, Kenya
GREEN HOPE UAE, United Arab Emirates
Green Ocean, a Youth-driven Environmental Initiative, Vietnam
Green Revolution Club, United States
Green Vision International, United Kingdom
Green Web Alliance, China
green wish association , Algeria
Greener Impact International, Ghana
Greenfellows, Nigeria
Group for African Peace (GAP), Gambia
Groupe D'appui au Developpement Economique et Social (GADES), Congo (Republic)
Groupe Jeunesse Espoir 'GROUJES', Congo (Democratic Republic)
Groupe Solidarité (GROSOL), Haiti
Groupement de Promotion Integrale, Burundi
Growing Up in New York City, United States
Grupo Convergencia, Peru
Grupo Grão de Arroz, Brazil
Grupo Interagir, Brazil
Grupo Joven para la Comunicacion y el Desarrollo, Guatemala
Guyana Youth Coalition, Guyana
GuyberNet, Guyana
GYAN France (Réseau global action jeunesse), France
GYAN México (Red Global de Acción Juvenil México), Mexico
gyantest, Aruba
GYCA Ekiti State Chapter, Nigeria
GYDEA, Georgia

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