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A program of TakingITGlobal


GYAN's purpose is to leverage the collective power of young people to change the world. We provide a clearinghouse of information, resources and opportunities for making a difference. Through our partnership with TakingITGlobal, GYAN offers its members a vibrant on-line community with web-based project management tools and the opportunity for greater visibility.

The Network represents a growing alliance of youth-led and youth-serving organizations in more than 190 countries, working together to improve our world. Membership is open on different levels to any organization that supports young people and which does not advocate hatred or violence in any form. More than 1,200 organizations have applied for GYAN to date and we are currently finalizing a revised membership structure. Stay tuned for more updates.

Become a member! We invite your organization to join the Global Youth Action Network!


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Members Listing (Select the first letter of the organization name above or use the search field)
F et F Marketing, Haiti
Face Up to Peace, United States
Family light foundation , Tanzania
Fantsuam Foundation, Nigeria
Farmers Education and Empowerment for Development(FEED), Ghana
Farz Association of Rehabilitation and Development (Farz), Pakistan
Fast Forward Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe
Fatumatu Zehara Aid Organization(FZAO), Ethiopia
Fédération Nationale des Etudiants du Bénin, Benin
Federation of Young Leaders of San Pedro Laguna, Philippines
Federation of Youth Clubs (FYC), Ghana
Fedus Youth Ministries, Malawi
Femitation, Uganda
Femmes Junior, Madagascar
Fiamah Youth in Action for Development, Liberia
FineClub - Friendship International, United States
Finnish Youth Cooperation Alliance, Finland
Five Minutes to Midnight, Canada
Fondation Daniel, Cameroon
Fondation des Oeuvres Pour la Solidarite et le Bien Etre Social/ FOSBES ONG , Congo (Democratic Republic)
Fondation Evarite Nshamamba, Congo (Democratic Republic)
Fondation Islamique de Recherches pour le Bien Etre de la Jeunesse Congolaise, F, Congo (Democratic Republic)
fondihh, Haiti
Fondo Grande Ahead, Dominican Republic
Forester Club, Nigeria
Foro de Estudios Jurídicos Internacionales y Desarrollo Global, Spain
Foro Nacional de la Juventud, Ecuador
Fortuna-M, Russia
Forum Communication des Cultures, Morocco
Forum des Jeunes du Gabon, Gabon
Forum For Democratic Change Youth League, Uganda
Forum for Human Rights Pakistan, Pakistan
Forum For Peace and Development, Nigeria
Forum for Youth Advocacy, United Kingdom
Forum for Youth League of 15 May -FYL15MAY-, Somalia
Foto-Sofia, Nigeria
Foundation Focusing on widows with HIV/AIDS in Urban and rural Areas(FWHARA), Uganda
Foundation for Global Youth Development, Ghana
Foundation For Mankind, Nigeria
Foundation for Rural Education, Wildlife and Environment, Banjulinding, The Gamb, Gambia
Foundation for Rural Emancipation, Uganda
foundation for young civic alert operations, Zambia
Foundation for Young Leaders in Africa (FYLA), Kenya
Foundation Intenda, Slovakia
Foundation UpToYouToo, Netherlands
Foyer, United Kingdom
Fraternité Universitaire pour le Développement de Guinée (FUDEG), Guinea
Fraternité Universitaire pour le Développement de Guinée (FUDEG), Guinea
Free General Students Union, Algeria
Free World Foundation, Ghana
Friends in Life Education Peer Club, Nigeria
Friends of African Child in the Global Village, Ghana
Friends of Environment and Humanity Foundation, Ghana
Friends of the Environment Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe
Friends' Society in Social Service, India
Friendship Club International, Ghana
Friendsofhighfield, Zimbabwe
Front Runners Int'l (Nig)-FRI, Nigeria
Fundação da Juventude, Portugal
Fundacion Casa de la Juventud, Paraguay
Fundacion Comunitaria de la Frontera Norte, A.C., Mexico
Fundacion Ecuador Sustentable, Ecuador
Fundación Huésped, Argentina
Fundacion Laberinto, Costa Rica
Fundacion Prosurgir, Colombia
Fundación TierraVida - Peace Child Argentina, Argentina
Fundación Vive Tu Universidad, Colombia
Fundatia Culturala, Romania
Future Generation Initiative, Rwanda
Future Hope Foundation of Nigeria, Nigeria
Future Stars Non-profit Youth Organization (FSYO), United States
Future Youth Center, Bahrain
Future Youth Club, Egypt
Future Youth Group Pakistan, Pakistan
Future Youth Organization, Kenya
Future Youth Organization, Lebanon

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